4 On-Page SEO Strategies

4 SEO Strategies

Keelie Reason

February 22, 2024

If you have any experience building and maintaining a website, you know how complicated it can be. One of the most complex parts of website management is keeping up with the website’s SEO. If you’re looking to rank higher on search engines, you need the best SEO possible. But with so many tips and tricks, it can be tricky figuring out which strategies to employ. Here are some tips our team here at R5 Website Management has for those looking to improve the SEO of their website. 

1. Focus On Headers

Improving the quality of the headers on your website can help in several different ways. Mainly, Google bots and other search engine bots read your headers to determine what your web page is talking about. The coding you attach to the headings should be H2 or H3. This will make it easier for your blog or post to show up on Google. 

Secondly, having helpful, short, and concise headers on your content makes it easier for visitors to skim through. The easier it is for potential customers to scan through your website, the quicker they can find the services or products they are looking for. And the faster they can find the products or services they’re looking for, the faster they will be able to make a purchase. 

2. Internal Links

When somebody finds your website through Google or other search engines, you want to keep them there as long as possible. Google’s algorithm is so advanced that it can determine how long a user is on your webpage. The longer they’re on your website, the better your standing with Google will become. 

The longer someone is on your website, the better the chance they will purchase something as well. Any blog or post on your website should contain 2-3 internal backlinks. These backlinks should take visitors to the contact page, free offer page, or another action page on your website. You should also add backlinks to other relevant content. 

3. Focus Keywords

Arguably the most important aspect of on-page SEO is the focused keywords. Companies spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on keyword research to ensure they know what customers are searching for. Whatever topic you’re focusing on, you want to be sure you pick out the right keyword. 

There are many different resources available to you to help you determine what keywords to use. It would be best to look for terms that get traffic but aren’t very hard to rank for. You will have a better chance of coming up under searches related to easily ranked keywords. 

4. Related Keywords

Your keyword doesn’t stop after finding one main keyword. Your content should be littered with related keywords to help your website rank higher. There are many different ways you can find related keywords, The easiest way is free and incredibly easy.

Once you find your primary keyword, plug it into Google to see what pops up. If you scroll to the bottom of the search page, you will find a section dedicated to related searches. This is what internet users who are searching for your keyword are also searching. Plug these keywords into your content as well. 

We Can Help

We know this can be pretty overwhelming, especially if you don’t have experience working with SEO. That’s why our team here at R5 Website Management is here to help. We offer SEO services to businesses looking to grow their website by increasing the amount of organic traffic their website receives. Contact us today, and one of our experts will get in touch with you right away. 

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